
Premium-Seal Repair for Trucks and Buses Comfort-Set 1

the quick repair kit for trucks and buses re-mobilize within 5 minutes for truck tyres with a pressure up to 12 bar (160 psi) There is no simpler and more effective way to repair a tyre puncture - and to continue your journey within less than 5 minutes. Tyre sealant in 1 l pressure bottle, 45 cm hose with valve connector, carrying bag, valve insert remover long, valve insert remover mini. This tyre sealant has been newly developed to prevent chemical reactions with aerosols. The aerosol can provides more safety margin than is required by applicable regulations.

Item number PSL C1 LKW
NOK 944.23 *
Content 1 piece
ships within 4 weeks
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

the quick repair kit for trucks and buses

  • re-mobilize within 5 minutes
  • for truck tyres with a pressure up to 12 bar (160 psi)

There is no simpler and more effective way to repair a tyre puncture - and to continue your journey within less than 5 minutes.

Tyre sealant in 1 l pressure bottle, 45 cm hose with valve connector, carrying bag, valve insert remover long, valve insert remover mini.

This tyre sealant has been newly developed to prevent chemical reactions with aerosols. The aerosol can provides more safety margin than is required by applicable regulations.

Technische Daten:

  • 1 l PREMIUM-SEAL Repair Reifendichtmittel ist ausreichend für jeden gängigen LKW Reifen.
  • Dichtet Einstiche von Fremdkörpern bis 10 mm ab
  • Temporäre Anwendung, Höchstgeschwindigkeit 80 km/h
  • Haltbarkeit mindestens: 8 Jahre
  • Wasserlöslich. Dichtmittel kann einfach von Felge und Reifen entfernt werden.
  • Reifen kann technisch gesehen repariert werden. Entscheidend sind die Richtlinien für die Instandsetzung von Luftreifen.
Item ID 204
Condition New
Model PSL C1 LKW
Manufacturer PremiumSeal
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Premium Seal Entwicklung- & Marketing GmbH & Co. KG
Ottobeurer Straße 29
87733 Markt Rettenbach Germany
+498392 9241710